Windshield Wiper Replacement near Dothan, AL

Windshield Wiper Replacement near Dothan, AL
Windshield Wiper Replacement near Dothan, AL

No one enjoys driving in the rain. But when the time comes, a reliable set of windshield wipers will be your best friend. If you’re due for a fresh replacement, Gilland Ford has you covered. Check out this overview, then reach out to our team when you’re ready to schedule an appointment.

Importance of Windshield Wipers

Just like other key mechanical parts, replacing your windshield wipers will benefit you in a number of ways. First and foremost, when inclement weather hits, a fresh set of wiper blades will help clear precipitation off of your front glass so you can move forward confidently. If you have older components that have seen a fair share of use, they might not be as effective, which could cause some visibility issues. Also, if your wiper blades become weathered and worn down, they could scratch and create streaks on your windshield. If this happens, you may have to pay a hefty price to replace your front glass.

Warning Signs

If you think that your set of wheels is due for some new wiper blades, there are some warning signs that will let you know that it’s time. One thing you should pay attention to is how your components are performing. If your windshield wipers aren’t functioning as they once did, you should probably make a trip to our Service Department for a replacement. Or, if you notice that your wiper blades are tapping or skipping along the front glass, this is likely because they have become damaged. You can also perform a visual inspection. If you spot any cracks or tears in the rubber, then it is time for a fresh set. 

Service Department

For all of your maintenance needs, our Service Department at Gilland Ford can help you out. We have a team of highly trained technicians that are experienced in providing quality service in a timely manner. Whether you need a windshield wiper replacement, oil change, or tire rotation, you can count on our staff to get the job done right. Plus, while you wait, you can enjoy free Wi-Fi, coffee, and a big screen TV. And if it’s determined that your ride is in need of some new components, you’ll be able to order the new parts that you need.

If your vehicle is in need of a windshield wiper replacement near Dothan, AL, Gilland Ford is the place to go. Check for service specials on our website, then visit during our open hours.

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