Synthetic vs Conventional Oil near Dothan, AL

Synthetic vs Conventional Oil near Dothan, AL

Synthetic vs Conventional Oil near Dothan, AL

Though just about every driver understands the importance of regular oil changes, not as many are familiar with the differences between conventional and synthetic grades. To help you make an informed decision the next time you drop by our Service Department for this type of maintenance, the staff at Gilland Ford is here to explain the various benefits of these types of oils. Feel free to schedule an appointment online if you’re ready for a visit!

Conventional Oil

Since you’re likely more familiar with conventional oil, we’ll begin by pointing out its pros and cons. Generally, this grade is the more affordable option of the two, since it’s widely available, compatible with most engines, and provides acceptable levels of protection. Furthermore, conventional oil has been around a long time and benefits from being the standard option recommended by most manufacturers. However, keep in mind that you might need to change your oil more frequently over longer-lasting grades. Moreover, your engine might have a harder time performing in extreme temperatures and may not stay as protected from wear in the long term.

Synthetic Oil

Since synthetic oil undergoes a more complex refinement process, it boasts several advantages over conventional grades. First, its uniform molecular structure allows for greater protection for long-time wear, making it ideal for high-performance vehicles, commuter models, and aging rides with significant mileage. Furthermore, it can make a difference in the extreme heat that Alabama experiences every summer, so keep this in mind if you do a lot of driving throughout the year. Of course, as a higher quality oil, synthetic is more expensive than conventional. That being said, you won’t need to replace it as frequently, which could help mitigate the higher cost and make it worth the initial investment. 

We Can Help!

Whether you ultimately decide to go with conventional or synthetic oil, the technicians at Gilland Ford are here to lend a hand when you drop by for maintenance. Feel free to ask us for our recommendation if you’re not sure which one to choose and we’ll gladly tell you more about each grade’s respective attributes. When you’re here for an oil change, let us know if your car could use any other forms of service. That way, we can handle its regular tire rotation, battery inspection, and windshield wiper replacement to prevent you from having to visit us again in the near future. We’re eager to be your preferred location!

Do you still have questions about the differences between synthetic vs conventional oil near Dothan, AL? If so, Gilland Ford is your go-to resource for automotive service! You can get in touch with us over the phone or simply drop by the service center at your convenience.