Routine Maintenance Warning Signs in Ozark, AL

Routine Maintenance Warning Signs in Ozark, AL

Routine Maintenance Warning Signs in Ozark, AL

When it comes to owning a vehicle, it’s important to understand the symptoms your model exhibits when it requires care. While most Owner’s Manuals provide you with a timeline, these suggestions are general, and not always on the mark. That’s because the intervals heavily depend on your driving style and how often you use the set of wheels. Fortunately, we’re here to discuss some red flags you should be aware of. When you’re ready to get some fixes taken care of, drop by Gilland Ford in Ozark!


Your vehicle’s mechanics are its most prized components are idling at its core, so we’ll kick things off by discussing what you should keep your eyes peeled for. Firstly, if you recognize a grinding sound emanating from beneath the hood or decreased MPG, then you likely require an oil change. You might also notice a burning smell entering the cabin through your climate control system coupled by excessive exhaust coming out of the tailpipes. Next, you should also pay attention to corrosion accumulating on your battery casing along with a sputtering engine. This typically means you need a battery replacement. Lastly, if your powertrain is overheating while heading to Eagle Stadium, you likely need a coolant flush and refill. 

Beneath the Vehicle

Your ride’s undercarriage is constantly experiencing wear and tear, as it’s subject to the elements, off-road terrain, and so much more. A common alert that you’ll receive if you require a tire rotation is your steering wheel vibrating while accelerating on South Union Avenue. You can also perform a visual inspection, and if you notice low tread levels or cracks in the sidewalls of your tires, then your model requires attention or full replacements. While we get that task taken care of, we’ll also take a peek at your brakes and rotors to ensure they’re running optimally. In the meantime, you should listen for a scraping sound that means your pads have worn all the way down to the metal beneath them. To seal the deal, if your steering wheel is off-kilter and you need to overcompensate to travel forward, you’re likely dealing with misaligned wheels and should visit our Service Department


Oftentimes easy to overlook, your model has exterior features that also need some care every so often. For instance, it’s imperative that you’re able to maintain a high level of visibility when inclement weather occurs on Bermuda Street. With that being said, you’ll want to recognize when your wiper blades have a tattered or worn appearance. This is usually followed by streak marks spanning the length of the front glass. You’ll also want to check for burnt out light bulbs when you take nightly travels. This will not only help you avoid a ticket, but also ensure you’re safe at all times. Lastly, we suggest getting cracks in your windshield filled to prevent them from spider webbing and having to spring for a new window. To set your appointment, contact us!

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