Oil Change Service near Slocomb, AL

Oil Change Service near Slocomb, AL

Oil Change Service near Slocomb, AL

It’s extremely important to pay attention to your vehicle’s health and the services it requires. Oil changes are some of the most beneficial procedures you can complete, and you can get it done today at Gilland Ford near Abbeville. We make the process as easy as possible, so you can stop by, switch the fluid, and be on your way. You can either call us to set an appointment, or simply stop by unannounced. We will be happy to get to work!

Oil Changes

Understanding why oil changes are so important is a crucial component of the process. That’s why we’ll provide you with a rundown to get a general idea of the purpose the fluid serves. For starters, the liquid ensures that your powertrain is capable of lasting for an extended period of time throughout your ownership. That’s because it acts as a lubricant that’s constantly circulating throughout the engine’s components to ensure that they work in tandem with one another while you’re in motion on West Lawrence Street. Additionally, your oil removes debris and byproducts from the powertrain to keep  the system clean at all times. Unfortunately, it will start to lose its viscosity over time, which will turn it into a dark hue. This can result in overheating and possibly irreversible damage. 

Warning Signs

While you’re cruising down North Dalton Street, it’s vital to recognize the indicators your vehicle will show when your oil has degraded past its window of contention. Of course, the obvious sign is your check engine light illuminating on your dashboard, although we understand that this icon can be easy to ignore. If you continue to turn a blind eye, your engine will emit a scraping sound that means your mechanics are starting to grind against one another. Next, your ride will have decreased horsepower, torque, and fuel efficiency, which will impact your travels to Girard Park. Lastly, you might see excessive smoke coming out of your exhaust system. To avoid all of these troubles, make sure you visit our Service Department regularly. 

Service Department

We at Gilland Ford carry a long list of advantages that will make your service experience enjoyable. For starters, we provide a pickup and delivery service, which means we will come to your location, take the keys, and drive your auto to our dealership to get the oil changed. Once we get the fluid swapped, we’ll promptly bring it back to your home! We’re also proud to let you know that our technicians are factory trained to make sure we maintain Ford’s highest standards. Lastly, we provide synthetic and conventional oil options depending on what your vehicle requires. 

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