Ford Wheel Alignment Service near Dothan, AL

Ford Wheel Alignment Service near Dothan, AL

Ford Wheel Alignment Service near Dothan, AL
When you stop by Gilland Ford, you’ll be tended to at our Service Center by a team of dependable technicians. We look forward to answering your questions regarding a wheel alignment service that optimizes your auto’s mechanical wellbeing. 
Reasons for a Wheel Alignment
Having your wheels newly aligned when necessary should be a priority for more reasons than one. Your safety will be enhanced heavily by this procedure. With an improper alignment, maintaining control among your set of wheels becomes more of a cause for concern, thus leading to lack of stability while traveling toward your destination. As a result, the quality of your components diminishes, thereby requiring them to be changed sooner than expected. If issues with your parts lead to an accident, you’ll also likely have to spend much more on repair costs than you would with ordinary maintenance procedures. Due to this, not getting your wheels realigned or serviced when necessary is financially harmful. Your fuel economy might also suffer as the result of having to stop sooner than desired.
Warning Signs 
As with any mechanical problem, indicators will present themselves to suggest that issues are occurring. You may start to hear a screeching sound as your tires are dragged across the road, or feel it leaning more in one direction due to the imbalance. Doing this can be especially troublesome amidst inclement weather or when encountering difficult terrain as maintaining traction and optimal handling isn’t as reliable. Alternatively, signs of improper alignment can be indicated by your tires blistering or balding. The former takes place when your components are overheated and rubber starts to break away, while the latter is noticeable by treads being worn practically to the point of being indistinguishable. In either case, be sure to contact our Service Center
Service and Parts Department
Mechanics are presently available to you and can offer their expertise. While you’re welcome to stop by any time, it’s also easy to work around your schedule and request a direct time to drop off your vehicle for service. Plus, if you’re working on a project and know you’re just missing a component or two, utilize our Order Parts form to receive the product you’ve been looking for. Different tabs through our website will provide you advice on various procedures, such as brake services and oil changes. We can even help you locate tires directly based on your model.
We’ll work with you one-on-one to provide basic information for your technical needs. Stop by our Gilland Ford dealership during open hours to learn about a Ford wheel alignment service near Dothan. AL. We look forward to making your acquaintance!

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