Ford Transmission Service near Enterprise, AL

Ford Transmission Service near Enterprise, AL Are you considering getting a Ford transmission service near Enterprise, AL? If so, you should bring your vehicle to Gilland Ford. We pride ourselves in our reliable work for a variety of models. Feel free to reach out to our Service Department about any issues regarding your transmission or any other parts you have concern with.

Possible Repairs

A few of the major repairs you may have done related to your Ford transmission are worth knowing for any vehicle owner. To start, testing the transmission helps to diagnose potential problems. We then drain the fluids, take the smaller mechanisms apart, and clean everything to get a better view of how it can perform. Replacements may be required for faulty gaskets, clutch plates, or solenoids at this time. Once all parts are in proper working order, we put them into your vehicle and send you on your way to local sites like the Two By Two Petting Zoo.

Manual vs Automatic

The main difference between a manual and an automatic transmission is how the gears are shifted. There is more of an active role for a driver needed for the former option. With an automatic part, the gears are altered by your vehicle systems that note your model’s velocity and the specific driving conditions you are facing. In a model that has a manual transmission, you will personally control the clutch and choose when you want to shift. Since our team members have a vast amount of experience with both types of parts, we recommend you schedule a service appointment anytime you feel that you need one.


If you protect your transmission as best as possible, you reduce the likelihood of needing unexpected and expensive rebuilding or replacement services. A used Ford Taurus is likely to have much different parts than a brand-new F-150 truck.  Adhering to the manufacturer recommended schedule to have the vital parts checked by our trained technicians is a wise move to make on a consistent basis. Check your fluid levels routinely and fill them when there is a need. If you notice warning signs like gear slippage, shifting difficulty, or burning smells when you drive, you should stop by Gilland Ford right away. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions about Ford transmission services we provide!

We Use Ford Parts.

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