EV Maintenance FAQs near Enterprise, AL

EV Maintenance FAQs near Enterprise, AL

Having a Ford EV means that there are some maintenance services that you should make sure to have done. We’re here to present some frequently asked questions about what is required for your auto so that it’s up and kicking again. To keep trekking in Enterprise, ask us at Gilland Ford to have an appointment set up.

When Should I Have My Battery Serviced?

Firstly, we’ll go into the question of how often the battery of an EV should be replaced. This important part ensures that you’re able to keep driving and can last during the entire life of your vehicle. This timeframe can vary due to the extreme heat that we experience in Enterprise. So, an estimated timeframe of 8 to 12 years is what your component may have to last in this scenario. If you own a Ford Escape Plug-In Hybrid, depending on the model year, you might want to have it seen at our location at about 30,000 miles accrued on the odometer. You also will find it helpful to see what the Owner’s Manual of your set of wheels states, so that your ride can have the most prompt maintenance done on it possible. 

What Is the Average Timeframe for Brake Service?

The next frequently asked question that we at Gilland Ford will share with you is what the average timeframe of an EV’s brake service is. To name some Ford models, the F-150 Lightning and the Mustang Mach-E might need to be serviced every 30,000 miles or so. Compared to gasoline-run vehicles, this maintenance does not have to be completed as often. This is partly due to regenerative braking that happens with EVs. In other words, when stopping, whatever energy is leftover will be used as power to be sent to the battery. So, the brake pads are not worn out as much.

What Other Types of Maintenances Do EVs Need?

Finally, let’s look into what other maintenance you’ll want to have for your EV. The battery of this kind of auto tends to be heavier, which causes tires to have a faster rate of wear. Luckily, we can supply you with components that are especially made for EVs to withstand the extra weight from the cell. Also, since summer weather can cause rain to be intense here in the South, having your windshield wipers service would allow you to keep seeing the road with pristine vision. Don’t forget to speak with a friendly technician with questions, since they are skillful in fixing your ride.

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