Cabin Air Filter Replacement near Dothan, AL

Cabin Filter Replacement near Dothan, AL


Cabin Filter Replacement near Dothan, AL

Making sure that your family members have clean breathing air is a pertinent aspect of owning a vehicle. Whether you have forgotten or are long overdue, you can drop by Gilland Ford today for your cabin air filter replacement service. We will get this component swapped out for a fresh one in a timely manner, so you can get back on the road in an automobile that is free of breathing hindrances. If you have any questions, contact our Service Department today!

What Purpose Does a Cabin Air Filter Serve?

If you have never thought about replacing this part before, then you might be wondering how it affects your experience behind the wheel. In short, your cabin air filter acts as a gatekeeper to keep contaminants out of your cabin and maintain clean oxygen with each excursion. It does this by filtering out dirt, dust, and debris when your climate control system is turned on, so your vehicle can bring in air without worry. After a while, it starts to become clogged with particles, which can impact the performance of your ride. Getting this maintenance taken care of is extremely essential if you regularly travel through high-traffic areas, because it prevents pollution and smoke from passing through your intake. That is why we suggest that you stop by every 15,000 to 25,000 miles for this service!

Red Flags

If you can’t remember the last time you had your air filter replaced, then you should be on the lookout for a few warning signs to notify you of its erosion. For starters, if your vehicle isn’t pumping out A/C as well as it used to, then this means your component is riddled with dangerous microbes that are preventing clean air from passing through. This can cause your engine to work harder, which can translate to mechanical issues. Another thing to be aware of is a musty smell in your interior when you climb in, which also signifies that a high volume of mold has accumulated in your filter. Lastly, be on the lookout for your allergies becoming more prevalent, because this means that pollen is sneaking through the grates and making its way into your vehicle. If you notice any of these symptoms, drop by our Service Department

Types of Filters

Let’s wrap things up by addressing the types of filters that are available, so you can make a choice that best suits you and your family’s needs. The most common replacement that drivers seek out is a particle filter, which catches debris that is as small as .03 microns. To give you a better idea of how well these perform, the average human strand of hair is .08 microns. This way, you can be confident that your component will catch almost everything that passes through. Or, you can always spring for a carbon filter, which uses activated charcoal to absorb bacteria and other harmful microbes. If you have any questions, get in touch with our Service Department!

Stop by Gilland Ford today for your cabin air filter replacement near Dothan, AL. We look forward to your visit at your earliest convenience, so schedule an appointment.

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