Air Conditioning Service in Ozark, AL

Air Conditioning Service in Ozark, AL

Air Conditioning Service in Ozark, AL

Considering the extreme heat and humidity we experience in Alabama during the summer, it’s imperative to have a vehicle with a properly functioning air conditioning unit. So, if yours hasn’t been serviced in a while or you’re experiencing issues, be sure to let the expert technicians at Gilland Ford lend a hand! When you drop by our Service Department, we’ll run diagnostics and have your system running optimally in no time at all.

How Does My Car’s A/C Work?

In order to understand what sorts of repairs are associated with your car’s air conditioner, it’s vital to know how this system works. When you turn the dial to receive a blast of cold air, refrigerant passes through a compressor and experiences a number of physical changes that end up lowering its temperature. Before the cool air reaches the interior, it’s dehumidified and purified of any contaminants, so that it’s fresh and clean by the time it passes through the vents. However, if something is amiss with your system, then you might not be able to cool down the cabin on a hot day. 

Warning Signs

By now, you might be wondering what sorts of signs may present themselves when there’s an issue with your ride’s A/C. For instance, you can tell that something isn’t right when the flow of air is weaker than normal, as this could be an indication that you need a new cabin air filter. Or, the culprit could be a faulty condenser, which is responsible for lowering the temperature of gasses after they pass through the compressor. Yet another sign of an air conditioner in need of service is insufficient cooling, which can be caused by low refrigerant levels, a damaged compressor, or even a broken evaporator. Thankfully, our staff is prepared to find the root problem and make things right!

Visit Us Soon

No matter the issue at hand, you can trust that our service team will be able to find a solution. When you drop by, we’ll carefully inspect the entire A/C system to see what might be causing the diminished performance, so we know whether you need more coolant, a new part, or a leak fixed. While you’re here, we’ll also ask if you’re in need of any other forms of auto maintenance, as we’ll be happy to handle a tire rotation, brake check, or oil change to save you a visit in the near future. And in case you’re not already aware, our website has a number of helpful resources that you can access from home, such as the appointment reservation form, specials, and so much more. 

Take advantage of our air conditioning service in Ozark, AL, right here at Gilland Ford! By paying us a visit, you’ll avoid having to deal with a hot, stuffy cabin when you’re out and about this summer.