Manual vs Automatic Transmission near Dothan, AL

Manual vs Automatic Transmission near Dothan, AL                                                                     Contact Us                                                          Schedule Service

When purchasing a new set of wheels, there are a lot of factors you should consider. One such factor is the kind of transmission you’d like to make use of as you coast through the streets of Dothan. That’s why we at Gilland Ford have crafted this guide to inform you of what your options are, as well as the differences therein. Keep reading for all the details, and feel free to come down to our location at your earliest convenience.
We’ll kick things off with the manual transmission. This option is designed for you to be able to get the most out of the performance and driving experience of your vehicle of choice. How it works is that it requires the pilot to make use of the clutch pedal to manually shift gears as they accelerate and decelerate during their trip. While this may be a less than ideal alternative for new drivers, it’s a fantastic option for those who have plenty of experience with handling cars, and want as much control as possible over the responsiveness of their auto. This option will need to be serviced once every 30,000 to 60,000 miles.
The automatic transmission is the most common and most popular option for good reason. It is capable of shifting gears with minimal input from the driver, making it a solid option for inner-city driving, inexperienced drivers, and those who want to cruise down North Oates Street without needing to worry about engaging the clutch to shift gears. This option will also have a higher resale value than the manual alternative, meaning that you’ll get plenty of money back if you choose to trade it in at a later date. You’ll likely need to bring this into our 
Service Department for repairs at least once every 60,000 to 100,000 miles.
Continuously Variable Transmission
The Continuously Variable Transmission is designed to be a nice blend of both the automatic and manual options while still offering its own unique benefits. Rather than shifting gears like its alternatives, it makes use of a complex pulley system to simulate gear shifting and provide you with either improved performance or efficiency as you make your way to and from Ramsey Park. You can expect that you’ll need to bring this option in for servicing at least once every 30,000 to 60,000 miles. 
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