What is the Difference Between Buying and Leasing?

What is the Difference Between Buying and Leasing?

There are two different paths that you can take when considering automotive acquisition, and both boast their own respective benefits. Whether you have taken one or neither of these avenues before, we at Gilland Ford are here to fill you in with the upsides of buying and leasing, so you can make a choice that will positively impact your future driving goals. Once you make your decision, swing by our Finance Department to iron out all the details!

How Do I Lease?

Let’s get the ball rolling by covering the route that is gaining more and more popularity as time passes. Otherwise known as leasing, this option is becoming a fan favorite, because it lets contract holders experience the latest automotive advancements the moment that they land on the market. That is because you will essentially be borrowing the vehicle from us for a designated mileage and time frame. In that window, you will only be on the hook for the model’s depreciation and mileage that you drive, which will be a fraction of the price of buying. And, since terms generally last between two and four years, you will be able to spring for one of the newest automobiles on our showroom floor in no time at all. Or, you can always hand in the keys and explore other options or pay the difference toward ownership.


On the other side of the financing spectrum is your opportunity to purchase the vehicle you want for its sticker price. This is perfect for drivers that want to see a return on their investment, because once your contract comes to an end, you will have achieved full ownership! The best part is that terms can last as little as four years, so you can use your model as a trade-in when you do decide that it is time to upgrade. If you are raring and ready to get the process started, you can head over to the Finance dropdown and select the Payment Calculator to see what vehicles you can afford. Then, when you find one that adheres to your limitations, you can fill out the Get Pre-Approved form to receive your green light. Once we receive your submission, we will get to work on some loan options!


Now that you know how easy it is to secure a vehicle with us at Gilland Ford, you can begin the search for a model that makes sense for your weekend adventures and morning commutes to the office. Instead of spending your entire day off at our location, you can simply head to the New or Used dropdowns to start searching from the comfort of your armchair. If you are interested in saving some cash without sacrificing quality or reliability, then consider taking a look at our One-Owner pre-owned options. Are you looking to instill excitement on your Sunday cruises? You can’t go wrong with the Ford Mustang or Taurus. Or, if you require some extra muscle for your trips on the water, check out one of the F-150 options we have in stock for a commendable towing capacity!

So, what is the difference between buying and leasing? Now that you know one is for ownership and the other is for borrowing, you can drop by Gilland Ford to make a decision!

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