Transmission Repair Service near Troy, AL

Transmission Repair Service near Troy, AL                                 Transmission Repair Service near Troy, AL
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One of the most important parts of your vehicle that you should always keep in working order is the transmission. While this component is designed to last for the entirety of your model’s lifespan, it can still fall into disrepair if not cared for properly. Read on to learn more about what you can do to prevent this, and be sure to come down to Gilland Ford today!

The transmission is designed to allow your vehicle to be able to switch between the park drive, reverse, and neutral functions. If it ceases to work properly, then it will render your model entirely incapable of being used at all for your trips through Troy, AL. There are many different types of transmissions you should be aware of. Manual transmissions require the driver to shift gears independently as they move through the streets of their city. The automatic variant will allow this process to happen naturally with little to no input from the person behind the wheel. The Continuously Variable Transmission will simulate gear shifting through a complex pulley system to provide maximum performance of efficiency, depending on the situation.

Transmission Repair
As mentioned previously, the transmission is designed to last for your vehicle’s whole lifespan. However, it is still advisable to check your Owner’s Manual for an accurate estimate on how often your model should get its transmission repaired. When you visit our Service Department, our trained and qualified technicians might also suggest swapping out your transmission fluid for a new batch. This liquid is meant to clean your system and maintain the proper pressure as you make your way to and from Troy Sportsplex.

Warning Signs
We’ll bring this overview to a close by discussing some of the red flags you should keep in mind as you move through the streets of your city. If you notice that the Check Engine light has been illuminated, then it’s likely time to come down to our dealership for repairs. Have you been hearing a strange noise coming from your engine as you coast down St. Paul Street? This is also another strong indicator that your transmission is in need of repair. If you detect that shifting gears takes longer than usual, then you should come down to our location as soon as your schedule allows.
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