Timing Belt Replacement near Dothan, AL

Timing Belt Replacement near Dothan, ALTiming Belt Replacement near Dothan, AL

Our service center here at Gilland Ford is prepared to take on the various maintenance procedures that you need! One such project is a timing belt replacement, so read on to see what this entails. Then, you’re welcome to pencil in your next visit at your earliest convenience. 

Timing Belt 

Your vehicle is made up of an array of parts that work together towards sustaining the its life. The timing belt is typically known as the camshaft, or even as a reinforced rubber band. It plays an important role in this system, since it’s responsible for holding vital components together while absorbing friction. How does it do so, you may ask? Well, the timing belt utilizes teeth-like grooves to grip down on the pieces. As this part is not as known as more talked about components, you may struggle with finding it. When this happens, consult your Owner’s Manual for an exact location. 

Warning Signs

Once you’ve found the timing belt, you’ll need to know how to tell when it's time for a replacement. Pay close attention to any ticking sounds that can be heard, along with signs of an oil leak. Also, it’s vital to look at this component to see if it appears cracked. If it is, then it’s time to head down to our Service Department for some maintenance. These signs all mean that your part has more than likely worn down. However, even if these alarms aren’t present, we usually recommend coming in every 60,000 to 100,000 miles. This way, you can make sure you’re not left without a working powertrain when out on the roads of Dothan. 

Order Parts

Our service team is more than happy to assist you with any number of procedures your Ford requires. With this in mind, we understand that you may prefer to take matters into your own capable hands. In this case, we’d love to direct your attention to our Order Parts form found beneath the Service & Parts tab on our website. If you are in need of a particular component, just fill out this form along with your contact information, and we’ll get it to you in a jiffy. And if you’re unsure about just what part to order, then don’t hesitate to reach out to our associates at Gilland Ford! We’ll be happy to help in any way that we can. 

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