Spring Maintenance Checklist in Ozark, AL

Spring Maintenance Checklist in Ozark, AL

Is it about that time to get some important vehicle maintenance taken care of? Before you drop by our location, we have a guide to check on your ride right from home! This way, you will know the remaining window you have before you need to schedule an appointment at Gilland Ford. So, pull your vehicle into your driveway and get the ball rolling with our step-by-step tutorial. Then, head to our Service Department at your earliest convenience. 

Oil & Fluid Levels

The first and most essential service that your vehicle requires to run in an optimal manner is an oil change. Fortunately, you can get things started just by simply popping the hood of your Ford driving option. Eroded oil is commonly characterized by a dark, black hue. So, go ahead and remove your dipstick to assess the damage. Then, you should wipe it down with a clean rag, reinsert the component, and remove it again to see where your levels are at. If you see that you are running low and your fluid’s color is a dark tint, then you are ready for a change. Next, you can make sure your car is combusting properly by taking a peek at your coolant levels. This should be changed every 50,000 miles, so if you notice a leak, then you will know it’s the perfect time to top it off. Lastly, your transmission, brake, and power steering fluid should be looked at to keep your vehicle functioning. 

Tires & Brakes

Making sure that you maintain a high level of traction is of the utmost importance while weaving in and out of traffic. To accomplish this, you can take a quick peek at your tires to inspect for balding. If you notice the damage far in advance, it can make the difference between saving cash on a rotation and dishing out a large sum on a replacement. To use the penny trick, grab a cent and place it inside your tires’ treads with Lincoln’s head facing in. If you can see the better portion of his face, then this means your tires have degraded past their point of no return and you are due for a visit. To make sure you can always come to a complete stop, take a look at your brake pads. At the very least, there should be at least a quarter inch of pad to optimally bring you to a halt. 

Wiper Blades

Spring time and rain showers go hand in hand, especially down south. To make sure you have optimal visibility on the roadway, we highly recommend that you take a glimpse at your wiper blades. All you have to do is pull them away from your windshield and look for a tattered or worn appearance on the rubber. You can also activate them to see if they are working effectively. If you notice a loud squeaking noise as they struggle to make their way across the front window, then this is the first sign you are overdue for a visit. Also, if there are leftover streak marks after their use, then this means they are not performing to the best of their ability. 

We hope that this spring maintenance checklist was the help that you were looking for to get started on your service needs. When you are ready, visit our Service Department at Gilland Ford.

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