Routine Maintenance Warning Signs near Dothan, AL

Routine Maintenance Warning Signs near Dothan, AL

Routine Maintenance Warning Signs near Dothan, AL

Your vehicle is constantly experiencing wear and tear, whether you make short trips around town or extended treks across the state. With the vast assortment of components your model has, it can be easy to let a few maintenance procedures slip through the cracks. That’s precisely why we at Gilland Ford are here to tell you all about the red flags that will occur when your ride is due for some crucial upkeep. If you have questions about the symptoms your auto is showing, contact our friendly representatives today. 

Beneath the Hood

Since your vehicle’s most valuable and intricate systems idle at its core, that’s precisely where we’ll begin this overview. To start, if you hear a scraping sound coming from beneath the hood or decreased MPG, then this typically signifies your model is overdue for an oil change. While we’re getting that fluid replaced at our location, we’ll also test your battery to make sure it’s delivering that crucial spark you need each morning. In the interim, be on the lookout for a sputtering engine, flickering lights, or a swollen battery case. Lastly, while it might be easy to forget, it’s critical to your safety that you swap out your cabin air filter for a fresh component. That’s because this feature plays a major role in delivering clean and safe oxygen for your entire crew to enjoy. 


Whether you set out on off-road excursions or interstate commutes, your vehicle’s undercarriage is constantly degrading. Since these parts are making close or direct contact with the roadway, it’s essential that you get them checked out at our Service Center on a regular basis. For instance, if your steering wheel is vibrating while reaching speeds in excess of 45 MPH, then this means you’re dealing with tire imbalance due to pressure loss. To prevent this from happening, visit our Service Department for a rotation or possible replacement! Another thing to be cognizant of is a grinding sound emanating from beneath your ride. This is typically followed by your brake pedal coming to the floor on its own, and means your pads have worn down to their point of no return. Is your steering wheel off-kilter while you attempt to travel forward? This is a product of misaligned wheels, which will have you veering to the left or right. 


Before we close things out, let’s take a quick look at your vehicle’s exterior features, as these components are constantly being subjected to the elements. For starters, it’s important to check your wiper blades for a tattered or worn appearance. If they are in less-than-ideal condition and leave streak marks on your windshield, then this is your vehicle directly telling you it’s ready for a fresh pair. While you’re here, ask about our silicon options that last up to a full year! We also suggest that you take a look at your headlights and taillights every once in a while to ensure they aren’t flickering or completely burnt out. After all, the last thing you want is to get ticketed for not having a properly illuminated vehicle!

Now that you know about these routine maintenance warning signs near Dothan, AL, you can proceed with absolute confidence! Stop by our convenient location today.

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