Recall Check and Repair near Enterprise, AL

Recall Check and Repair near Enterprise, AL

Perhaps your F-150 or Explorer has been recalled recently after you've driven it through Neal Metcalf Road for some time. If your first response is confusion or fear, we at Gilland Ford implore you to check out this overview that defines what these are and how to stay up to date with them. Your concerns and questions can be addressed with our team’s help!

What Are Vehicle Recalls?

We’ve previously mentioned that we’ll discuss the meaning of vehicle recalls, which are events that result from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration finding a faulty component with a vehicle that could be potentially hazardous on Route 84 if left unfixed. You are entitled to receive a prompt word regarding this in the form of a letter from Ford or any other manufacturer your vehicle is produced from. It is important to keep an eye out for this, since it would let you know what exactly you should do to have your auto fixed and will inform you if you should postpone travels. That way, you know if driving through Enterprise is safe. Our team members can help you understand this more if you need someone to explain the details further.

How Do I Check for a Vehicle Recall?

When you want to continuously be informed of any vehicle recalls, Gilland Ford has the answer and that is to check the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s website. They have a tool where you can enter in your 17-pin VIN on the page. When you do so, you’re able to see any possible recalls that could have happened for over 10 years in the past. In case you’re unsure of how to spot your auto’s VIN number, you should look for it close to the edge of the dashboard on the driver’s seat side of the vehicle. It should appear on the glass of your ride. If you want to find out updates on recalls through our dealership, we'll be happy to search for them.

Recall Repairs

Last but not least, we have some details on recall repairs. Your letter that you receive in the mail will let you know that whatever issue your SUV or pickup truck has will be settled without any financial obligation from you. After you take it to our service bay, the technicians who handle maintenance will be able to spot how to fix the issue. To do this, they can apply their tools and expertise to effortlessly service it. Of course, our waiting room will be furnished for you to stay at, so remember to contact us if you need recall repairs done!

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