Oil Change Service near Dothan, AL

Oil Change Service near Dothan, AL

Oil Change Service near Dothan, AL

One of the main responsibilities that comes with owning an automobile is making sure that your powertrain is performing at the best of its abilities. In order to make sure all of the components beneath your hood are operating smoothly, it is pertinent that you get your oil replaced in a timely manner. When you are ready for a fresh change, make your way to Gilland Ford during our flexible business hours!


Before we dive into the timeline that should be followed for your oil changes, let’s go over the signs that will appear when your current batch it nearing the end of its capability. If you notice loud grinding noises coming from your engine bay, then that means your powertrain is no longer receiving proper lubrication to keep your parts moving cohesively. Another thing to be aware of is if the smell of oil is entering the cabin, which means levels are low and it is burning off into the exhaust area. This signifies that your powertrain desperately needs an oil change! Lastly, if you have exceeded the mileage on your windshield sticker or the indicator has illuminated on your dashboard, then those are the most obvious signals you are ready for a visit. In order to avoid the aforementioned auto troubles, it is important to stick to our timeline!


If you want to stay on the road problem-free, then we highly suggest that you follow our maintenance timeline. Your oil is an integral part of your powertrain, and it acts as a cleaning agent to make sure everything is spic and span. It accomplishes this by removing dirt, dust, and byproducts from your engine. After a while, its amber hue will change to a dark color, which means that you are due for a quick change. If this goes ignored, your oil will no longer make sure that your parts work in tandem with one another, which can cause overheating if left ignored long enough. That is why we suggest that our clients visit us every 3,000 to 5,000 miles to prevent any serious damage. After all, an oil change is cheaper than an engine replacement!


Before you drop by, we have a few online features that you can use to help streamline your visit at Gilland Ford. To begin, you should take a look at our Service Specials to see if we have any deals currently running for an oil change. If you don’t notice a coupon right away, check back later, because we are constantly updating our offers on a regular basis. If you would prefer to get the job done on your own time, then you can do so when you purchase a bottle of oil from our Parts Department. We even offer synthetic oil, which will last much longer than conventional options.

Come to Gilland Ford for your oil change service near Dothan, AL. You can find us conveniently located at 3118 South US Highway 231 in Ozark, AL.

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