Maintenance Tips for High Mileage Vehicles Dothan, AL

Maintenance Tips for High Mileage Vehicles near Dothan, AL

Maintenance Tips for High Mileage Vehicles near Dothan, AL

There comes a time when a vehicle no longer is new and has gained a considerable amount of miles. These vehicles can still run if they are properly maintained. Let’s go over several key tips on doing so, and our Gilland Ford location is always available for service appointments.

Oil Changes

Let’s begin by saying that your vehicle, even when it has aged, still requires that it receives routine oil changes. If the inner components are missing a clean lubricant inside the engine, it won’t be long before it could begin to overheat. In fact, this service may need to be performed more often so that the more worn out inner components can last as long as possible. In addition, it would be beneficial to acquire motor oil for these kinds of vehicles. After all, there may not be as much of a likelihood to see leaks when using this fluid. Let’s also mention that typically, a rule of thumb is that a vehicle has a high amount of miles when it amounts to a number greater than 80,000. 

Transmission and Brake Fluid Checks

To ensure that your high mileage vehicle is properly maintained, any certified technician at our dealership can get the job done by providing it with special care. A service that may be needed when it reaches a certain amount of miles is a transmission repair. The general interval for a flush is after 60,000 miles, and if your auto is a high mileage set of wheels, certain warning signs could happen if left unchecked when on Reeves Street. As for the brake system, the interval is generally 30,000 to 45,000 miles. When your vehicle is older, the brake system may be so worn out that it might no longer be able to properly arrive at a halt on time it needs new fluid.

Exterior Care

Finally, before you drive on Hartford Highway, it is important to watch over the care of your vehicle’s exterior. Remember to wash and dry the outer shell regularly. Maybe your Ford Explorer, F-150, or any type of auto you have needs a fresh coat of wax. Ensure this is done for it to avoid wear. Also, keep a lookout for any dents you may see on the door or anywhere else on the outer shell to prevent rust from forming. If you still have questions, we’ll answer them!

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