Lease End Options in Ozark, AL

Lease End Options in Ozark, AL

Lease End Options in Ozark, AL

Did you originally enroll in a lease for the paths when the agreement ends? Maybe you’re currently involved in a contract of this caliber and aren’t sure of what your fate is in the future? We at Gilland Ford understand that the process can be a bit daunting, so our team will discuss what avenues are available to you. If you have any questions before starting the lease return process at our location in Ozark, contact our team!

Return the Vehicle

Did you only need the Ford vehicle for a short period of time and are moving into a metropolitan area? We understand if public transit is more convenient, and that’s why we allow you to simply show up, return the vehicle, close out your terms and walk away. When you arrive at our location, our expert technicians will participate in a visual and performance assessment to ensure everything is up to our standards. Once that’s completed, we’ll also take a quick peek at the odometer to see if you’ve stayed within your mileage restrictions. Are you thinking about opting for a financing plan to see a return on your investment? You can walk straight into our showroom to find a new model you’d like to fuel your travels. Or, you can simply walk away to explore other transportation options. 


More often than not, drivers end up opting for a lease in the first place to stay on the cusp of the latest automotive features. If this is something that sparks your interest, you’ll be able to add the latest edition of the Edge, Explorer, Mustang, or any other Ford model to your repertoire. Before you proceed with your new agreement, you’ll want to assess your previous contract to determine if any adjustments need to be made. For instance, if you’ve recently accepted a new job that will require you to drive longer distances down Andrews Avenue, then you might want to extend your mileage allowance to make sure you don’t experience any overages. It’s also important to consider if your driving needs have changed. If your family is expanding, you might want to spring for a larger model like the Expedition!


If parting ways with the vehicle you’ve been driving for the last few years is out of the question, we completely understand. After all, Ford vehicles are considered some of the most reliable, cutting-edge cars on the market. So, if you’d like to keep your model for good, you can pay off its remaining value. Of course, we understand that covering the entire cost up front isn’t possible for most motorists, which is why we’ll help you secure a loan package. This will allow you to contribute toward its sticker price over a four- to seven-year period. If you’d like to get the process started ahead of time, you can use our online Payment Calculator to get a better idea of what your terms might look like!

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