How Often Should I Replace My Car Battery?

How Often Should I Replace My Car Battery?

One of the most inconvenient issues you can experience is a dead car battery. Whether you’re at home, about to leave work, or running errands, this problem will likely derail your entire day. Therefore, Gilland Ford is here to provide some advice about battery replacements and service, so you can hopefully avoid this unpleasant event. If you’re ready to swing by, feel free to reach out to our Service Department to reserve an appointment.

Our Recommended Timeline

Although different battery brands and types offer varying lifespans, we generally recommend that you replace this component about every three to five years. Of course, this timeframe depends on a number of external factors, including your car’s age, condition, and degree of daily usage, so it’s important to also stay on top of regular checkups to confirm that everything is in good working order. So, the next time you’re at our service bay for a tire rotation or oil change, our technicians will be more than happy to test your battery’s output. That way, we can give you a better idea of when you’ll be due for a new one.

Warning Signs

Generally, you’ll begin to notice a few issues as your battery starts to age. Perhaps the most common indication of a dying component is your engine struggling to turn over when you engage the ignition. This delay means that the battery isn’t producing enough electricity to set off the combustion reaction needed to get your powertrain firing. Eventually, you won’t be able to get your motor running at all! Along with this, you might also notice that your headlights appear dimmer or that the A/C isn’t running as coolly as it used to. Finally, you can inspect its condition yourself by popping the hood and looking out for corrosion, damaged wires, or a bloated casing.

We’re Here to Help!

Whether you know you’re due for a new part or just need a quick check, the service team at Gilland Ford is ready to lend a hand. Once you arrive, we’ll see the amount of electrical power your battery still has, so we can more accurately determine how much life it has remaining. Of course, if it’s already zapped or nearly there, we’ll get right to work on installing a high-quality replacement, so you can return to your busy life. To make your upcoming visit even easier on your wallet, take a look at our online specials prior to stopping by to see if we’re running any promotions on battery-related care.

So, how often should I replace my car battery? Here at Gilland Ford, our mechanics recommend a new power source about every five years. If you’re ready to come see us, you can request a timeslot with our online form!


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