How Often Should I Change My Car Battery?

How Often Should I Change My Car Battery?

No matter what’s currently ailing your vehicle, the Service Center is prepared to get it back in exceptional condition. Today, we’re here to impart some valuable knowledge about your car battery, so you know how often it should be replaced and how to know when it’s reaching the end of its lifespan. If you have any remaining questions, don’t hesitate to contact our experienced team of technicians for help.

Our Recommended Timeline

In most cases, a quality car battery will last up to five years. However, given the variety of external factors that can inhibit its lifespan, you’ll likely need to replace yours closer to every three or four years. For instance, this component takes a beating during the summer months due to the extreme heat that we experience in Alabama at this time of year. Specifically, the inner chemistry that produces electricity is negatively impacted by high temperatures, causing it to wear out more quickly than it would in a more moderate climate. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have its output tested both before and after this season.

Signs of Aging

Thankfully, before it gives out completely, your battery will likely exhibit a few indications that it’s approaching the end of the line. First and foremost, the sound of your engine sputtering and struggling to start when you turn the key is a telltale sign that this component is running low on electricity. In addition, other parts that require electrical power, such as the headlights, radio, and A/C, will also function at lower levels when the battery is getting close to retirement. Finally, the physical condition of this component will clue you in on its health, meaning that regular inspections are a must. When you pop the hood, be on the lookout for a bloated casing, frayed wires, or built-up corrosion.

We Can Help!

Staying on top of routine maintenance will make replacing your battery a much less stressful undertaking. By granting our mechanics the chance to test this part every few months, we can keep an eye on its output levels and recommend a replacement when we notice that they’re on the decline. Furthermore, we’ll be sure to inspect other related systems, like the alternator, starter, and spark plugs, to ensure that the entire configuration is working properly. When you need a new battery, our team will make sure to match you with a component that’s just right for your make and model!

So, how often should I change my battery? The Service Center at Gilland Ford recommends a new one at least every five years, if not sooner. For additional information about this type of automotive care, give us a call or pay us a visit! For your convenience, we’re open five days a week Monday through Friday.

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