Ford Wheel Alignment Service near Headland, AL

Wheel Alignment Service near Headland, AL

Ford Wheel Alignment Service near Headland, AL

The wheels of your vehicle not only hold the entire weight of your ride and keep it moving forward, they must each be in the correct position. We at Gilland Ford will explain the importance of an alignment service in this summary. So, bring us any questions that you may have during your visit at our location.

Importance of Aligned Wheels

The alignment of your wheels can determine if your travels will be safe or not. In other words, when these components are angled properly, your ability to control the vehicle is much better. So, to perform this maintenance, we examine its steering position and suspension and make any needed fine-tuning. However, if the wheels misaligned, you could have a greater chance of colliding with another auto if the vehicle moves left or right suddenly. As for the state of the tires, they can be impacted. When driving a vehicle on Route 431 with components that are positioned at the wrong angle, you are bound to buy a new set much sooner than you’d like to, which can be expensive.

Warning Signs

Now, we’ll describe the warning signs of wheels that are angling too far inward or outward so you can take it to our Service Center as soon as possible. As you cruise through Headland, be aware of any strange sounds emanating from the steering wheel. Moreover, if it remains off center when you’re not turning, this could also indicate that there’s an issue with the position of the wheels. We briefly mentioned earlier that the tires can be impacted from misaligned wheels. To specify this a bit further, the rubber on the tires would wear faster from the extra exertion of being misaligned. Finally, you should immediately consider taking your auto to see us if you accidentally hit a curb while traveling.

Wheel Alignment

Our team at Gilland Ford would be grateful to fix any wheel alignment issues with your auto before you drive on Broad Street again. During the service, we gather reliable tools needed to get started. After examining the caster, toe, and camber, we’ll apply any fixtures needed. We also want to note that you can set up an appointment easily over the phone or by navigating to the Service & Parts dropdown, clicking on the Service Department link, and then the Schedule Service button on the page. Also, once all is said and done at our location, we’ll briefly summarize the service while discussing the overall state of your vehicle. We’ll also let you know if any further maintenance should be required.

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