Ford Wheel Alignment Service in Ozark, AL

Ford Wheel Alignment Service in Ozark, AL

Ford Wheel Alignment Service in Ozark, AL

Does your vehicle seem to be pulling to one side when you’re trying to drive in a straight line? If so, then the issue could be a wheel misalignment. While this might sound minor on the surface, such problems can cause a whole host of headaches in the future, including a strained suspension, unevenly worn tires, and a vibrating steering wheel. Fortunately, the service team at Gilland Ford is here to help!

What Causes a Wheel Misalignment?

Due to the daily hazards of driving, your wheels can become misaligned for a number of reasons. Most often, hitting deep potholes or striking the curb can knock things off balance, as the sudden force is too much for your vehicle’s mechanics to take. That being said, even if you’re careful and avoid such occurrences, your ride can still go out of alignment just from regular wear and tear. In particular, older models are generally more susceptible due to the aging of suspension system’s struts and springs. For this reason, it’s important to have your car’s undercarriage examined by a certified technician for early indications that something is amiss. 

Common Warning Signs

So, how can you tell if your wheels need to be realigned? In addition to the aforementioned veering to one side of the road, you should also be on the lookout for one or more of the following problems. For instance, your steering wheel may appear to be at a slight angle even when you’re traveling in a straight line, or your tires might seem to be making more noise than usual. Speaking of which, if these components are showcasing uneven wear patterns on one side or the other, then it’s likely that the toe or camber angles need to be adjusted. 

Visit Us Today

Before things get worse, be sure to consult the team at Gilland Ford to see how we can help get things back in order. Using state-of-the-art technology, we’ll be able to make highly accurate measures to determine what needs to be done. Furthermore, thanks to our years of experience, we’re ready to lend a hand with 2WD, 4WD, and AWD systems. Once we’re finished, you should be all set for another year or two, although regular inspections are recommended to stay on top of things. Before coming to see us, don’t forget to check out the latest specials on our website for some money-saving deals. 

For your next Ford wheel alignment service in Ozark, AL, make it a priority to visit Gilland Ford! Our Service Department is already looking forward to assisting you, so hopefully we’ll see you here soon.  


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