Ford Lease Return Center near Troy, AL

Ford Lease Return Center near Troy, AL
Ford Lease Return Center near Troy, AL

If you have a leased vehicle currently in your care, then you are welcome to bring it to Gilland Ford! This can be done even if you didn’t start the contract with us, so drop by soon. For now, we will go over how the process works. 

Leasing Benefits

For those who may be unaware of what leasing is, we’d love to take a moment to explain the benefits. Purchasing a vehicle is a big commitment, and it can put a damper on your finances. This is where leasing comes into play, as you can sign a contract to take home the Escape or Edge for a limited amount of time. This can range between two to four years, which gives you a period to see if you like driving that particular vehicle across Troy. Since you won’t be the official owner of the Ford, you won’t be paying off the entire sticker price. Instead, you will be in charge of reimbursing the depreciation value while adhering to a mileage limit. 

Lease Return Options

Once the time comes for your lease to end, you can choose between two options. Those who still require a vehicle for their travels down Three Notch Street can choose a new Ford car. During this meeting, when you swap to your next preferred model, you will be able to adjust your terms and conditions. This means that you can either keep, extend, or lower your mileage restrictions depending on how it worked for your prior agreement. You aren’t required to lease a new vehicle if you no longer wish to. Our team can perform an inspection on the car when you visit so you can hand in the paperwork and be on your way. 

Inspection Process

No matter which return option you choose, we will have to perform an inspection of the vehicle. This is done so that we can make sure the model is in proper shape. We need to double-check that the car is ready for the showroom floor, so we recommend that you give the outer shell a wash. The cabin should also be looked into to remove any of your personal belongings and discarded trash. Our team will also look at the odometer in case you have gone over the predetermined amount of miles when driving across Montgomery Street. To avoid additional fees when you visit, you should make sure to not exceed your limit!  Contact us today to learn more about your options! 

Save Money With a Lease!

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