Buy vs Lease near Daleville, AL

Buy vs Lease near Daleville, AL
Buy vs Lease near Daleville, AL

Would-be drivers often find themselves at a crossroads when it comes to choosing to finance or lease their next car. We at Gilland Ford understand the anxiety behind such a decision, which is why we’d like to further explain both so that you have a firm understanding of what lies ahead!


Leasing contracts have only increased in popularity in the Daleville area, and for good reason. These deals typically last for two to four years, and are considerably more affordable. This is because you pay monthly installments of the average depreciation rate rather than portions of the total sticker price. During this time, you are essentially renting the model, and you will have to obey a mileage limit stipulated by the original contract. At the end of the term, you can elect to begin financing the car for the remaining price, lease another car, or simply hand in the keys and walk away after a brief inspection of the vehicle. 


If you’re looking to purchase a model, then don’t hesitate to visit our Finance Department! They’ll present you with an agreement for a vehicle that lasts for around four to seven years, during which you will be paying off the total value of the model. You will be free of constrictions such as mileage limits, and this deal will eventually lead to your ownership of the model. This means you can exchange the tire covers or slap on a new coat of paint if you’d like. While this does ask for more financial commitment from you, it also means that you can one day drive along Route 84 without having to worry about making any more monthly payments.

What’s Best For You?

Answering what path is best for you is a difficult question to ask. You’ll want to take your individual circumstances into consideration, such as how often you drive. If you make many trips along Daleville Avenue, then you won’t want to find yourself bound by mileage limits. What does your budget look like? If you require an agreement that puts less pressure on you, then a leasing contract may be best for you.If you’re comfortable with being committed to a deal for a long period of time, then perhaps you may find yourself more at home with a financing agreement. If you happen to have any more questions, feel free to direct them toward our team today!

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