Brake Pad Replacement near Midland City, AL

Brake Pad Replacement near Midland City, AL
Brake Pad Replacement near Midland City, AL

Your car’s ability to come to a complete stop is integral to your everyday driving experience, and the components responsible for this should not be ignored. That is why we at Gilland Ford offer replacement services for your brake pads!

Brake Pad Purpose

As you are driving throughout the Midland area, you will inevitably come across an obstacle that will demand that you come to a halt. This could be a red light, stop sign, or a fellow motorist suddenly slowing down in front of you. This will lead to you pressing your foot against the brake pedal, which will spring a complex system of hydraulics to life. The pressure you applied will eventually find itself transferred to the brake pads, which then press against the rotors in order to make the wheels stop. While these components are hardy, the intense physical strain placed on them will eventually lead to them requiring a replacement. 

Service Department

When you start to notice that your brake pads have worn out, you’ll want to pay a visit to our Service Department. You can generally expect them to require maintenance around every 30,000 miles, though your Owner’s Manual will likely have more information pertaining to this. Our team of certified technicians will quickly get to work so that you can return to your daily schedule along Route 231 in no time at all. They’ll be sure to also inspect the entire system responsible for the halting process in the event that something else has gone awry. We should also mention that brake pads come in various materials, such as ceramic and metallic. Our team can help you find out which one will best suit you!

Warning Signs

Once your brake pads have begun to wane in quality, you’ll quickly recognize the signs. For example, you may detect the scent of burning and the sound of screeching when you attempt to bring your vehicle to a stop. Alongside that, you may feel that your car doesn't respond to your command as well as it once used to. Furthermore, you can see if the Check Brake light function is illuminated, as this will usually mean something is wrong with the system. So before you embark on your next trip to Riversedge Campground, schedule an appointment at our location!

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